Am 18.07.24 ab 19:30 Uhr bei uns:
Continuities in History? – A conversation with U.S. historian Helmut Walser Smith. Moderation: Alexander Carstiuc, Masiyot e.V.
The historian Helmut Walser Smith, a renowned expert on German history, deals in his works with the continuities of German ideologies such as völkisch nationalism and anti-Semitism that led to the mass violence against Jews from 1941 onwards, which Smith describes as the vanishing point of German history. The discussion will focus on the long duration of these ideologies, their return and transformation, as well as current anti-Semitism in the context of the genocidal massacre of October 7.
Prof. Dr. Helmut Walser Smith is the author of various books on German history and anti-Semitism. He is a professor at Vanderbildt University in Nashville, Tennessee. He is co-initiator of the „Statement against the boycott of Israeli Academics“.